Your generosity helps to grow a community that values open and nuanced discussion.
We’re on a mission to bring Philosophy to all and promote a world of critical thinking and communication. You can join us. No matter how much you give, your contribution helps to fund and expand our mission.
Give Once
Help us support our movement with a one-time donation
Give Monthly
Monthly donations help with our monthly expenses like location rentals and memberships
If you’d like to give more or less than the listed amounts, please email us and we’ll set the monthly amount of your choice.
Make a large contribution
For donations >$1000
A Transparent Approach to Donations
Practical Philosophy Club is a registered non-profit organization in Canada under the organizational name
15945291 Canada Society
When you donate to support the Practical Philosophy Club, your contribution goes towards:
- Monthly membership costs, such as Meetup.com, Nomeo and similar websites
- Location costs, such as renting out spaces dedicated to our meet-ups
- Personnel costs, such as salaries for administrators and community builders
- Advertising costs, such as campaigns on Instagram to attract new participants
- Branding materials, such as signs and posters to help point out our locations
- Improvement materials for locations, such as chairs and lights, bells, and things to make our meetups more organized and enjoyable
- Leadership training, to help create a consistent experience for our philosophers around the world
- And much more!
We plan to put all of our transactions on the blockchain, allowing a completely transparent way to see exactly how funds for Practical Philosophy are being used. In the meantime, however, we are happy to share any bank statements that are asked of our donors. All funds will go towards the above listed items.
Overall, every contribution goes towards maintaining, expanding, and improving our Practical Philosophy movement!